
FILTRO: HUMAN D & WELL-BEING > Education and Capabilities / Health and Infrastructure / Social Goals & Life Quality


  • Marcelo Neri e Fabio Schiavinatto

    The Population Perception book presented here has as its main objective to present a panel of indicators of the population's perception aimed at...

    Themes / Subthemes
    Income and Welfare > Inclusive Growth, Inequality and Poverty Human & Well-Being > Education and Skills, Social Goals & Life Quality, Security and Housing Labour & Production > Employment and Productivity Society Econometrics > Looks and Perceptions, Coverage and Demand, Policies Application and Impact Evaluation
  • Marcelo Neri, Leonardo Monasterio e Sergei Soares (Org)

    The book presents a vast list of contributions to the public policies agenda that might be implemented on the most diverse...

    Themes / Subthemes
    Human & Well-Being > Social Goals & Life Quality Labour & Production > Employment and Productivity
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ksbksabk xxxxxxsdfsdfdsfdf   l Texto da pesquisa l Anexo  I Slides: Impressão / Visualização I Slides: Impressão / Visualização...
ABSTRACT: Brazil occupies a prominent place on the issue of food insecurity, both because of agricultural production and because of the difficulties...
Our starting point is to gauge movements of exits and returns to school during the pandemic. We document a rise in school dropout rates for the 5 to...
We propose a simple indicator that marks as a clock the hours dedicated by each potential student to distance learning. This indicator integrates the...
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Short Notes


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Seminars organized by the CPS


  • Entrevista com Edward Glaeser - Economista e Professor de Harvard
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  • Book "Evaluating the Local Impacts of the Rio Olympics" - Marcelo Neri - FGV Social
  • Marcelo Neri (Director of FGV Social) - "Where are the elderly? Knowledge against Covid-19"
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