Evaluating the Local Impacts of the Rio Olympics - Marcelo Neri
This book evaluates the local impacts and legacies of the Olympics in Rio by comparing Rio2016 with other Olympic experiences and evaluating the ways in which the Games served the city. Examining, understanding and discussing the positive and negative aspects related to the Games are of central importance to the book, offering evidence to discuss the impacts of Rio2016 before all attention is concentrated on the next Olympics that is on its way.
The 2016 Rio Olympic Games took place in a scenario of enormous economic challenges and persistent inequalities. In contrast to all previous Olympic experiences, Brazil faced its worst economic recession ever recorded during the preparation phase for the Games. In addition to the national crisis, falling oil prices and corruption scandals fuelled the State of Rio’s economic downfall. This book specifically assesses the relative social performance of Rio’s city population with respect to control groups (either the city of São Paulo or Rio’s metropolitan periphery); covers traditional aspects of the Games' legacy such as tourism, infrastructure and sports practice; includes ordinary day-by-day aspects of the city’s life, such as education, employment and housing; and scrutinizes critical areas such as urban mobility, gentrification and Guanabara Bay’s pollution.
In addition to a broad assessment on vast objective dimensions related to prosperity, equality and sustainability issues during the period of megaevents, the book highlights the importance of tracking how people perceived the megaevents’ impacts across time, in particular, how the supply of different public policies evolved in relation to the population’s demands. Complementing objective data with population’s perceptions is important because they do not always walk hand in hand in times of marked economic changes, spreading social networks usage and large street protests. The book suggests that the period of megaevents engendered the beginning of a new era in the land of Carnival and possibly elsewhere.
Organized by Prof. Marcelo Neri and gathering contributions from other 13 co-authors, the book’s thorough analysis offers readers further understanding on assessing the impacts and legacies of the Olympic experience. The common question that underpins each one of the 16 chapters of the book is the following: What were the impacts of the Rio2016 on the well-being of Rio’s citizens?
Table of Contents
Part I: Setting the Olympic Stage: Global and Local Perspectives
Participation Legacy and the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Ian Brittain
An Urbanistic View of Rio2016: Aspiration, Planning and Legacy
Roberto Ainbinder
Population’s Perceptions of the Games
Viviane Bittencourt, Aloisio Campelo and Marcelo Neri
Part II: Broad View of Impacts
Olympic Social Changes: Local Transformations before and after Rio2016
Marcelo Neri, Samanta Monte and Manuel Osorio
Population´s Perceptions on Public Policies
Marcelo Neri, Aloisio Campelo and Viviane Bittencourt
Fiscal Impact of the Rio Olympics
Marcelo Neri and Manuel Osorio
Employment and Wages Evolution of the core Olympics Economic Sectors
Marcelo Neri, Manuel Osorio and Luisa Melo
Changing Consumption Patterns? Sports Practice, Tourism and Recreation
Marcelo Neri, Luisa Melo and Manuel Osorio
Part III: Evaluating Sectoral Legacies
Paralympic City? Assessing Employment Quotas and Disabilities
Marcelo Neri
Transport Legacy of Mega-Events and Inequalities in Access to Opportunities in Rio de Janeiro
Rafael Pereira
Population’s Perceptions on Urban Mobility Impacts
Aloisio Campelo, Viviane Bittencourt and Marcelo Neri
Legacy of the Olympic Games for the Guanabara Bay
Emanuel Alencar
Rio Slums Removal: What is the Olympic Urban Legacy?
Lucas Faulhaber
Part IV: Post-Rio2016 Challenges: Olympic Legacy Management
Evidencing the Impacts of the Olympic Games - The View from London 2012
Allan Brimicombe and Yang Li
Exchanges of Experiences during the Olympic Cycle
Marcelo Neri and Manuel Osorio
Past and Future of Rio City and Main Conclusions on the Games' Impact
Marcelo Neri, Marcos Hecksher and Manuel Osorio
>> Materials:
Executive Summary
Text - Techniques / Project
Slides - Long Run
Slides - Presentation Long
| Interactive Data
Income Panorama
Assets Panorama
Income and Poverty Simulator (1992 - 2016)
Income and Poverty Simulator (1970 - 2010)
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