Planning public policies: Sectoral and Social Growth - Marcelo Neri, Leonardo Monasterio e Sergei Soares (Org)
The book presents a vast list of contributions to the public policies agenda that might be implemented on the most diverse areas during the next decade. It brings the evolution of the production, employment and investment structures in Brazil between the second half of the 1990s and the 2000s decade. Discusses possible Brazilian GDP growth trajectories in the period of 2014-2030. Also proposes the creation of the National Productivity Commission (Comissão Nacional de Produtividade), with the purpose of contributing to the development of the social and environmental welfare state, through the promotion of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity in governmental and business activities. Furthermore, studies the conventional sources of infrastructure financing projects in Brazil and the international experience of public assets securitization as a tool for capitalizing the infrastructure projects from selected BRICS cases. The book briefly demonstrates the current stage of Brazilian education regarding its main indicators and challenges. It reviews the existing literature on the impacts of Brazilian social security on equity, efficiency (incentives) and macroeconomic stability, proposing reforms that increase the long-term fiscal solvency of Brazilian social security. Discusses possible regulatory actions of medical work and evaluates the remission of tax collection in health. Also traces an overview of the relationship between the minimum wage and the Brazilian labor market in the last decades. It verifies aspects relevant to the management of Brazilian biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides, as well as its relationship with agriculture. Moreover, presents a reflection on the urban mobility situation in Brazil in the recent period, discussing aspects related to the construction of the National Urban Mobility Policy (Política Nacional de Mobilidade Urbana - PNMU) and the current distribution of modes of transportation in Brazilian cities. It analyzes the importance of different patterns of presidential governance in the trajectory of Brazilian development through an analysis of unilateral presidential acts. The book discusses the complementary role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the public policy management cycle. It identifies new strategies to intensify the formation of partnerships for development by strengthening the institutionalization, in Brazil, of the International Cooperation and Development in a context of the post 2015 Agenda. It addresses Brazilian cooperation for international development, seeking to present elements for reflection and exploration of a public policy in formation and evaluates the Brazilian commercial policy, in its tariff, non-tariff and trade negotiations dimensions. Finally, brings a recent state initiative, in the legislative field, that meets the aspirations of the agriculture business (agrobusiness) for expanding the stock of land for private appropriation, within the framework of a land market whose operation has historically generated a highly concentrated pattern of property ownership.
Number of pages: 339
Content: Volume 1 (Chapter1. The challenges of productivity in Brazil / Fernanda De Negri, Luiz Ricardo Cavalcante - chapter 2. Production, employment and investment: growth and structural change in Brazil / Claudio Roberto Amitrano ... [et al.] – chapter 3. Prospective scenarios for the growth of the Brazilian economy / José Ronaldo de Castro Souza Júnior, Marco Antônio FH Cavalcanti - chapter 4. National Productivity Commission / Luís Fernando Tironi - chapter 5. Integrated planning of infrastructure and regional transport / Fabiano Mezadre Pompermayer - chapter 6. Organizational maturity: a classification proposal to support policies for small companies / Mauro Oddo Nogueira - chapter 7. Current challenges of industrial property protection in Brazil / André de Mello e Souza, Graziela Ferrero Zucoloto, Patrícia Porto – chapter 8. Infrastructure financing in Brazil: limits of conventional mechanisms and alternative based on foreign investment and capital market / Edison Benedito da Silva Filho - chapter 9. Trajectory and challenges of basic education in Brazil / Luís Felipe Batista de Oliveira, Divonzir Arthur Gusso - chapter 10. Social Security: inequality, incentives and fiscal impacts / Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano - chapter 11. Medical work and regulation / Elizabeth Diniz Barros ... [et al.] - chapter 12. Remission of tax collection in health in Brazil: eliminate, reduce or define a target? / Carlos Octávio Ocké-Reis - chapter 13. The Sisyphus work of agrarian reform: the strategy of land titling of rural settlements in Law no. 13.001, 2014 / Brancolina Ferreira ... [et al.] - chapter 14. Minimum wage and labor market in Brazil / Miguel Foguel, Gabriel Ulyssea, Carlos Henrique Corseuil - chapter 15. The micro and macroeconomic impacts of formalization policies: evidence and implications for public policies / Gabriel Ulyssea).