Who are the elderly Brazilians? How do they live? Where do they live?
(evidence by countries, Brazilian states, capital cities, municipalities and critical neighbourhoods). The goal is to underpin the design of public policies and actions aimed at reducing the most severe effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
All the research materials can be accessed on the FGV Social website.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), elderly individuals are more prone to develop severe clinical conditions related to Covid-19, and to a higher lethality rate. Given the worldwide dimension of the Covid-19 crisis and its diverse social, economic and geographic impacts, understanding where the elderly people are located is of fundamental importance. The challenge is to think global in order to act local. We are all responsible for the protection of the elderly. The research provides a wide and friendly data set with interactive maps, rankings, tables and simulators based on statistical models, covering elderly individuals in different age ranges. The evidence provided allow any person who is interested in this topic to study income and education of the elderly individuals in Brazil, their access to housing or to different types of media (TV, radio, internet, etc), among other dimensions of their lives. The research will allow any person interested to answer questions related to the topic.
The economist and Director of the FGV Social - Marcelo Neri – is available for interviews by telephone and video calls.
More information (specific evidence available on demand):
(+5521) 3799-2320 / (+5521) 99868-1211 marcelo.neri@fgv.br / thiago.cavalcante@fgv.br / By WhatsApp, Skype and Zoom.