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- August/2014Produtividade / ProductivityThemes / SubthemesLabour & Production > Employment and Productivity
- July/2014FGV / Getulio Vargas FoundationThemes / SubthemesLabour & Production > Institutions and Informality
- June/2014CDES / Council for Social and Economic DevelopmentThemes / SubthemesLabour & Production > Institutions and Informality
- May/2014Ipea / Institute for Applied Economic Research*Themes / SubthemesLabour & Production > Institutions and Informality
- May/2014Primeira Infância / First ChildhoodThemes / SubthemesHuman & Well-Being > Education and Skills
- May/2014Objetivos do Milênio / MDGsThemes / SubthemesHuman & Well-Being > Social Goals & Life Quality
- March/2014Mobilidade / MobilityThemes / SubthemesSociety Econometrics > Demography and Diversity
- February/2014Diplomático / DiplomaticThemes / SubthemesLabour & Production > Institutions and Informality
- February/2014Microfinanças / MicrofinancesThemes / SubthemesMicrofinance & Mobility > Microcredit and microinsurance