Seminar "Overcoming Poverty, Inclusive Growth and the New Social Agenda"
What is the role of public policies in social development? What changes have occurred in this area? What were the impacts? How the current context affects results and choices? What are the best proposals for the future? These and other questions were discussed on November 27th in an event sponsored by the Center for Social Policies (CPS) of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV). The seminar was attended by Tereza Campello, current Minister of Social Development - MDS, Wanda Engel, who served as Minister of Social Welfare in the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Marcelo Neri, director of FGV Social / CPS, former president of IPEA and former Minister of the Office for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency (SAE/PR).
As part of the celebrations of 15 years of the CPS, the seminar aimed to bring the vision of some of the main protagonists of the implementation of our anti-poverty policies and promote a debate about what has happened since the turn of the millennium, since it was a period of diffusion of a new generation of programmes on a national scale, such as Bolsa Familia and Bolsa Escola.
The seminar brought unprecedented indicators generated from newly launched micro-data bases, such as the PNAD 2014 and the PNADC; the analysis of its relations with the public policies carried out, as well as a look at social innovations that are already being discussed.
Check out the presentations of the seminar on the links below (in portuguese)
Full Seminar
Watch on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlQSgL0EF6w
Interview in portuguese - Tereza Campello - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iJIviRzhUo&feature=youtu.be
Interview in portuguese - Wanda Engel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HxVO9eV2DE&feature=youtu.be
Interview in portuguese - Marcelo Neri – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkpMLmerGcQ&feature=youtu.be
Interview in portuguese - "Revista Conjuntura Econômica" - http://compaso.com.br/clipping/sc064.pdf